1. When Your Partner Talks More About The Future And Doesn’t Have An Action Plan.

If they talk big about the future but don’t put in real effort now, how much can you count on that? Words are wind – watch for actions over time…….CONTINUE READING

2. When Your Partner Keeps Bringing Excuses For You Not To Know Some Things About Their Life.

If your person don’t make an effort for you to know their world, may mean they ain’t serious about integrating you in.

3. When They Don’t Show Up When You Need Them Most:

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Pay attention if they’re there for you steadier or flakier than a meringue. If they keep disappearing or leaving you hanging for “reasons”, starts to feel less like commitment and more like their attention’s elsewhere.

4. When They Are Taking You For Granted Easily:

On the other side, does it seem like their interest’s waning too? If they act too comfortable taking you for granted, might mean they already got what they wanted instead of wanting to grow together long haul.

5. When They Don’t Want To Talk About The Relationship, Rather They Are More Comfortable Talking About Things.

And if they refuse to have real talk about where you’re at, might mean this is all just a game to them and they don’t want to be held to anything deeper.

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