Good food should never go to waste, and KitKat manufacturers stick to this rule. It was spotted once that messed up KitKats ended up in a large blue bin. Then they go through a “reworking” process….CONTINUE READING

The candy is first combined with cocoa liquor, then some sugar is added there. And in the end, the manufacturer gets the paste that’s used to glue the waffles inside each KitKat bar. So the KitKat filling is made of messed up KitKats.

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Rhubarb stalks are safe to eat, while its leaves are kinda toxic because of the oxalic acid they contain. This fact is pretty boring, but what if I tell you that you can literally hear it grow?

This guy grows so fast that the buds crack open and you can hear a specific sound. Some people even claim they hear the rhubarbs creaking constantly during the growing season.

It’s hard to believe it, but the cheese puffs we all love used to be rubbish in the 1930s! One day, Edward Wilson noticed that some corn got squeezed out of one of the machines at a factory that produced flaked food for animals and formed ribbons.

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