Babies are born with two distinct life skills: the ability to cry and the ability to sleep. Though these two things may seem unrelated, many experts agree that these two skills, which babies demonstrate almost immediately after birth, can be linked to the change in environment from life inside the womb to outside in the world….CONTINUE READING

In this article, we will explore some of the possible reasons why babies cry when they are first born and why they tend to sleep almost immediately afterward.

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First and foremost, babies cry when they are born because they are adjusting to their new environment and need comforting. In the weeks and months leading up to birth, the fetus has grown accustomed to the sound, movement, and temperature of the womb.

According to webmd, This womb-like environment is a safe and secure place, free from pain and discomfort, so it can be jarring for a newborn to experience the lights, sounds, and sensations of the real world.

As we have seen, babies normally cry because they are adjusting to their new environment, they are in response to the physical stress of labour and delivery, or they are because of hunger.

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