Reality star and former Big Brother Naija Level Up season 7 winner, Otabor Josephina Ijeoma, known as Phyna, recently shared the reason behind her enble physique. The outspoken personality took to her Twitter page to reveal that she had undergone a fat removal procedure on her tummy, attributing her body’s current shape to that change.
She humorously stated that she was always beautiful but had to deal with belly fat in the past. Additionally, she proudly declared her natural, original body shape and playfully teased about sprinkling her confidence all over the streets.
She wrote, “Attention, everyone! 😂 I want you all to know that I was a beautiful girl before my belly became an issue… I got rid of all the fat from my tummy, and yes, this is my natural, original figure. 😝😝😝 So, brace yourselves for my amazing body transformation. I’m about to dazzle the streets, and you won’t be able to handle it!”
Phyna, a 26-year-old from Edo State, Nigeria, is not only known for her Big Brother Naija fame but also for being a vibrant hype woman, brand influencer, TV personality ambassador, and entrepreneur during her time in the house.
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