According to a reliable source within the Presidency, the list of ministerial nominees for President Bola Tinubu’s administration is ready and undergoing final security checks. The Department of State Services and members of the Presidential Strategic Team are conducting these checks on the individuals who have been named as potential ministers. However, the source did not disclose the names or number of nominees under consideration.

It is anticipated that 44 names will be sent to the 10th Senate for review and confirmation if the Tinubu administration proceeds with the appointment of ministers of state. Prior to Tinubu’s visit to Lagos for the Eid-el-Kabir holidays, there were reports of lawmakers vying for ministerial positions, and it was revealed that Tinubu’s ministerial list is almost complete. The selection process is said to involve the advice of his special advisers’ kitchen cabinet, with some politicians having more influence than others.

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Dele Alake, who was the President’s special adviser at the time, previously stated that Tinubu would assemble his cabinet within a month of taking office. This is in line with the constitutional requirement for presidents-elect and governors-elect to submit the names of their ministerial and commissioner nominees within 60 days of taking the oath of office.

With the legislators’ return from the Sallah holiday, there are indications that the President may submit the list of ministerial nominees to the National Assembly this week.


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