Pastor E. A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God spoke to his members on “Elshaddai” – July 2023 Thanksgiving Service, 2nd July, 2023. He spoke about Loneliness being a problem of elderly people and told a story of how a mad man chased a woman into their house and the problem of his mum’s loneliness stopped.

He then told the story of how a mad man chased a woman into our house and the problem of my mum’s loneliness stopped. He said, “When my sisters had all passed away and my mother had become old. Being married, they had a duty to depart and go to their husband’s home. The popular boy, I have grown as well, therefore I must follow my own instructions. She consequently resided in a small house that God constructed for me outside of Ilesha. Back then, there were just a few houses there, and it was deep in the wilderness. Every time I visit her, she is always so joyful, and we sit down and talk about events that occurred years ago.”

“When I come next time, she will repeat the same thing. So I know she just wanted somebody to talk to. When it is time to leave, I can feel her agony, pain but what can I do? I can’t sit down with her. So I cried to God, “please Lord, help me solve this problem.” Solving the problem (let me tell you the truth) is not getting a house help. There are certain things that you can’t discuss with a house help. When you want to talk, you want to talk to somebody even if you are not the same age at least there is little bit of semblance. Then God answered my prayer in a miraculous way.

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What happened? In the area, one man simply snapped and started frightening others. So, at one point, this man was pursuing a female. A baby was on the woman’s back, and another child was in her hand. The woman dropped the one she was holding and ran off with the one she was carrying when she turned around and saw the insane man closing in. To demonstrate his level of rage when he reached the young boy, the madman fractured his hand. How insane is that?

The madman then turned and started chasing after a somewhat aged woman who wasn’t particularly old. That one fled, leaving my house as the lone nearby residence. The insane man paused as she fled into the house where my mother was home alone. The insane man opted not to enter the house after noticing anything about it.

That elderly woman said, “Okay, this is a house where a mad man will not enter. She said to my mum, “please can I come and live here?” That’s how my own problem was solved. In God’s own miraculous way, every problem of those of you who are elderly will be solved today.

Watch The Video Here. (Fast forward to 1 hour 40 minutes for the sermon)

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