Psychologists Reveal Why We Close Our Eyes When We Kiss

The longest kiss in the world lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes, and 58 seconds. Although we do not know how the couple managed to resist for so long, we have an answer to the golden question that we all asked ourselves at some point: Why do we close our eyes when we kiss?

According to a study carried out by psychologists, when there are many visual elements or distractions around, our brain has difficulty concentrating…….Continue Reading

Just as closing your eyes helps you get rid of distractions around you, it also allows you to fully experience the sensation of kissing.

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Since kissing is one of the most personal and intimate things of all time, it can make you or your partner feel vulnerable.

Although eye contact is generally desirable, kissing with your eyes open may not be.

Not only will doing this make your partner uncomfortable, but scientific evidence suggests that it can overwhelm your brain and prevent you from feeling too much if anything at all.

Have you ever kissed someone with your eyes open?

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