A 26 year old lady in Abraka , Delta state has decried the opinion of her family members which led to the called off of her marital engagement by her ex-fiance.

According to miss Beatrice today marked exactly one year since when the proposed engagement was called off. She has decided to met with members of her micro and macro family members to resolve the issue surrounding the called off of her engagement, but things are not working out as expected.<<<<CONTINUE READING>>>>>>

According to miss Beatrice she lost her father two years back and his immediate younger brother is making things difficult for her. The younger brother to her Dad suspected her would be husband to be a ritualist because of his flamboyant life style.

He has polluted the minds of others in the family. Now the imaginary story created by her Dad younger brother has generated bad blood in her ex- fiance family because it has been filtered to some of them.

Based on this, miss Beatrice cried out and was directed to see Dr Faraji spiritual home+234,7019,357,444 where it was discovered that an enemy is at work to disorganize and scattered the engagement.

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She was instructed to carry out a spiritual assignment within seven days to expose the evil agenda against her marriage. The assignment was done according to the directive and within the stipulated days.

Few days later, miss Beatrice father younger brother who has been preventing her from the engagement ran mad and confessed that he decided to lie against her proposal because he see miss Beatrice been liberated out of poverty owing to her wealthy fiance.

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Just after three weeks of his confession Beatrice ex-fiance who has abandoned her for a complete year called her for the engagement and a new date was fixed for the engagement which was done and dusted as at the time of filing the report.

The duo have traveled to Dubai in preparation of their wedding proper towards the end of the year 2023. It was a wonderful experience and glory be unto God for the marriage barrier that has been broken by Dr Faraji.

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