The Cost Of Relocating To The UK With Family

Today, with the help and data from three (3) relocating friends, I compile the rough cost (below) for prospective relocating families (focus on UK) and a poem for my friend and Nigeria:

Cost of Japa from Nigeria for a family of 4= 180k
Renewal of Passport
Official rate 22k
Accelerated rate 45k
Some pay as high as 75k

Transcript 75k
Usually, one parent is a student
30-45k for school runs
25-30k to send

Estimated Tuition fee deposit
11,000-18,000-pound sterling
4.5m most schools want 50% deposit

Proof of fund (In deposit)
Family of 4 need 25m in deposited in an accoun 2-3 months

UK Visa 1.4m
Family of 4 pay 475-pound sterling

See the Full Clip Here

Family of 4 pay 875-pound sterling

Flight ticket 2.8m
Depending on booking
700k person x4
Some have booked as high as 1.2m

Arrival Accommodation 4.4m
1st Month shortlet 200-pound sterling per week
refundable deposit of 250 pound
First 6 months at 750 pounds

Total Cost 19m for family of four to UK not Canada or US. It can be cheaper or more

Oremi, I hope we meet again,
as you japa to find fresh grain,
to return if Nigeria again reigns?
God, will any leader ever end this drain?
But prayers will be in vain,
if in 2023, unwisely we vote again.

God bless everyone who has relocated. God bless everyone staying behind. God bless #Nigeria.

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