Six Habits Men Hate About Women

This article lists six(6) habbits men hate about women.

Women sometimes put up some behaviours that puts men off or make them have a second thought about them.

1. A materialist…………………………..CONTINUE READING



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2. Giving of pressure.
Men want to go out with women without any pressure. If a man is under pressure, and she adds even more pressure, then men lose interest.

3. A critic.
Men don’t like when women criticize them in front of other people. If they do something wrong, that must be told in private.

4. I know it all women.

5. Women who are not interested in their future.
Men don’t like women that don’t have their own lives and jobs. They want women who are responsible and who can take care of themselves.

6. Drastic changes.
Every man fears that his girlfriend will cut her hair off, gain weight or lose the desire for making love.

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