Popular actress and filmmaker, Rita Dominic aka Ree Ree has taken to her official social media handle to share adorable moments with Kate Henshaw at a wedding in Lagos. In the video, Rita was captured having a nice time with Ego Boyo and Kate Henshaw. They all bonded well at the event. This might be the only nice time they would have in a long time because they are all busy individuals so they are using it judiciously. It was beautiful seeing these veterans together and fans couldn’t help but gush over them.

This beautiful moment triggered reactions online as fans and celebrities admired them.

Top celebrities like Dakore Akande, Ada Karl, Mo Abudu, Chioma Ude, and Nichole Banna sent love emojis.

See the Full Clip Here

A fan said, “This is the kind of friendship I’m looking for. Sincerely pure. Travel together, fool around together, no jealousy. We build ourselves together. Only pure maturity”.

EssienAkpan (

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