Primate Ayodele Reveals what will happen to Tinubu’s Government Because Of Subsidy Removal

Primate Elijah Ayodele has expressed his concerns regarding the removal of fuel subsidy, stating that it could potentially damage President Bola Tinubu’s government. In a statement released by his media aide, Osho Oluwatosin, the clergyman emphasized that the administration would face significant challenges until 2026, should divine intervention not be granted.

Primate Ayodele firmly believes that it is not the appropriate time for Tinubu to remove the fuel subsidy, as it would have adverse effects on his government. He stressed the need for a more strategic approach to handling the subsidy issue in order to mitigate the negative impact on the economy. According to the clergyman, the removal of the subsidy would undoubtedly result in severe economic hardships, and any improvements would only come through divine mercy………………………………CONTINUE READING



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Addressing the President’s handling of the matter, Primate Ayodele remarked, “No matter how you want to put it, it is not yet time to remove the fuel subsidy; it will damage the present government. They should work on the subsidy technically.” He further explained that while removing the subsidy might not be inherently bad, the manner in which it is executed has raised concerns and caused issues.

Expressing his viewpoint on Tinubu’s tenure, Primate Ayodele asserted, “Sincerely, Tinubu didn’t address the issue well. Nigerians should not expect so much from Tinubu within his first four years in office.” He emphasized the need for realistic expectations and cautioned against anticipating significant changes during the initial years of Tinubu’s administration.

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It is evident that Primate Ayodele believes the removal of the fuel subsidy requires careful consideration and a well-executed strategy to prevent further economic strain. His insights shed light on the potential challenges that lie ahead and highlight the importance of a balanced approach to ensure the well-being of the government and the Nigerian people

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