Professor Okey Ikechukwu, a Human Capital Development expert, claims that President Bola Tinubu’s directive to remove fuel subsidies is the same choice that former President Olusegun Obasanjo made on his first day in office.

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He told Arise TV news that if the President had waited until the following week, he might not have been able to revoke the subsidy. According to him, it’s a brave move by the new administration.

”It was a smart decision by the President to abolish the fuel subsidy,” he added. The subsidy had to disappear. It now has consequences, and those consequences must be addressed. My concern is that if he had waited any longer, we would not have been able to eliminate the fuel subsidy. Tinubu’s first directive reminded me of Obasanjo’s actions as President. Obasanjo dismissed all senior military personnel with political ties. He wouldn’t have been able to complete it if he had pushed it until the following week.”

Check the video: 5:46 minutes


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