Colonel Stan-Labo commended the removal of the fuel subsidy as a bold and positive step forward. He criticized the subsidy for favoring a small group of wealthy individuals while neglecting the overall well-being of the nation. Although he acknowledged the shortcomings in the handling of the situation, he expressed optimism that the negative effects could be mitigated, even though it would come at a cost to the average Nigerian citizen.

In an interview with Sunday Sun, retired Colonel Hassan Stan-Labo expressed his belief that the removal of the fuel subsidy is a courageous and necessary step forward. According to him, the subsidy was not benefiting the nation as a whole, but rather lining the pockets of a privileged few in the upper echelons of society. Therefore, he advocated for letting go of the subsidy. However, he acknowledged that there were loopholes that should have been addressed before its removal, highlighting the hasty and careless manner in which the situation was handled. Nonetheless, he emphasized that there is still an opportunity to rectify the situation, albeit at a cost to the average Nigerian citizen.

According to him:

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“No doubt, the removal of the fuel subsidy is a bold step in the right direction. It was doing the nation no good, but instead lining the pockets of a few rich elite at the top; let it go. Yes, loopholes exist that ought to have been tidied up properly, prior to the removal of the fuel subsidy, but for the shabbiness that characterised its handling. Nevertheless, the situation could still be remedied though at some cost to the ordinary Nigerian on the street.”

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Colonel Stan-Labo praised the decision to eliminate the fuel subsidy as a bold move in the right direction. He argued that this subsidy had not been advantageous to the entire country but had rather been exploited by a small group of wealthy individuals in positions of power. Therefore, he suggested that it was time to abandon this subsidy. While he acknowledged that the process could have been better executed, he acknowledged the presence of loopholes that should have been addressed beforehand, which further complicated the situation. Despite this, he remained hopeful that the negative consequences could be mitigated, albeit with some burden placed on ordinary Nigerians.

The retired colonel emphasized that the removal of the fuel subsidy was a necessary step that required courage. He contended that this subsidy had not been benefiting the nation at large but had instead been used as a means for a select few in influential positions to enrich themselves. Consequently, he advocated for its discontinuation. However, he did acknowledge that the handling of the situation had been marked by negligence and haste, leading to the existence of various loopholes that needed to be addressed before implementing such a decision. Despite these challenges, he maintained that it was still possible to rectify the situation, albeit with ordinary Nigerians having to bear some of the costs.

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