In a unique ceremony held in the town of San Pedro Huamelula in southern Mexico, Mayor Victor Hugo Sosa has embarked on an extraordinary union. Embracing his cultural heritage, Sosa has taken part in a traditional ritual, symbolizing a union for good fortune, by marrying a female reptile named Alicia Adriana.

The joyful occasion gathered the Indigenous Chontal community, who enthusiastically applauded and danced as they witnessed their Mayor’s commitment to his scaly partner. Sosa, speaking with heartfelt sincerity, expressed his profound love for Alicia Adriana and emphasized the significance of love in any marriage. He acknowledged that a marriage without love is incomplete, reaffirming his dedication to his “princess girl” as he engaged in the age-old ceremony.

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This extraordinary event not only highlights the rich cultural traditions of the region but also serves as a testament to the Mayor’s deep affection for his reptilian companion. By embracing this unique union, Sosa aims to bring prosperity and blessings to his people, carrying forward the customs and beliefs of his community.

Sourc: Punch paper

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