If I’m Declared President Tomorrow, I’ll Get My Respectable Team Ready in One Month—Peter Obi

Peter Obi, the presidential candidate for the Labour Party, promised, in a Twitter thread on Saturday, that he would have a credible economic team assembled in a month if he were to be elected president tomorrow. He disclosed that over 90 days passed between March 1 (when the election result was published) and May 29 (when the president was sworn in).

Peter Obi said that he would have phased out the fuel subsidy rather than doing it all at once, and that he would have dealt with the corruption behind it………………………..CONTINUE READING

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The election, he claims, was held on February 25th, and the results were announced on March 1st. Is it free between March 1 and May 29? It’s been close to 90 days. I regret saying this, but in this 90 days I could have assembled a competent economic team and sat down with them. If you tell me tomorrow that Peter Obi is the president of Nigeria, I will deliver it to you in one month from the time we last spoke. Nigerians who can sit down and confidently say, “This is where we would go,” have my utmost admiration. I’ll say it again: we need to eliminate subsidy. Take a peek at my tweets. It’s like having several fractures; you won’t immediately go about fixing them all. It’s something that needs to be dismantled piece by piece. When I stated, “We’re cutting the subsidies,” I meant it………………………..CONTINUE READING

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