How Nigerian Parents Are Destroying The Lives Of Their Children

As TRUE CHRISTIANS we must be mindful of mixing African belief system with our Christian belief. As for me I shall never ever be a burden on my children or children’s children no matter how much money I have spent on them. It is my responsibility to take good care of them and I shall never ever use it as an emotional leverage to make demands from them (which is the evil destroying many youths today). However, out of LOVE they can choose to HONOUR me which ever way they want.

Just like the Order of Father Abraham, I shall continue to be a blessing to my children and children’s children. HONOURING me doesn’t mean I should armtwist and make demands from them, children are blessings from God. We are their managers/custodians. Our job is to guide them in fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives not our own purpose.

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They are NOT our business investments (Do I need to repeat this clearly?). Many African parents with poverty mindset can’t comprehend this simple esoteric truth, they all want to eat their children…SMH. The pressure they put on their children to succeed is too much, this is why many of these youths are going into prostitution and fraud. Celebrating criminals, glorifying them and making them a role model. The society is just a mess.

At the end of your time in this physical world, you will account for your actions.

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