How my father made me dislike men – Lady narrates sad story

A Nigerian lady has revealed how her father played a huge part in making her dislike men and stay clear of them.

She revealed that her parents used to fight a lot and her father always gets so violent that he beats up everyone at home………………CONTINUE READING


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In her words:

“When I was younger, my parents used to fight a lot. My dad was almost always angry, especially when he didn’t have money or things were hard for him. He was like a ticking time bomb, anything could set him off.

“On days he came home with nothing, he beat us for the most mundane things. Because of him, I always told myself; “If this is what it feels like to get married and start a family, then I will remain single for the rest of my life.” For this reason, I did not want anything to do with boys. I was always mean to them and I wouldn’t say I liked it if they tried to be my friend or anything more.”

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