In a recent Twitter post, Daniel Bwala, a prominent political commentator, shed light on the ongoing struggles faced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and its witnesses in court. Bwala expressed his bewilderment at the situation, humorously suggesting that the witnesses might as well be singing Nigerian artist Davido’s hit song “Am unavailable.”

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Bwala questioned the credibility of INEC’s actions, particularly in certifying a document for the petitioner but subsequently objecting to its admissibility in court. He emphasized that the Certified True Copy (CTC) designation implies the document’s authenticity, proper issuance by INEC, and accurate representation of its content. These issues strike at the foundation of the entire legal process.

The statement by Bwala highlights the growing concerns surrounding INEC’s handling of electoral matters, fueling public skepticism and casting doubt on the transparency and efficacy of the electoral system. As the court proceedings continue, it remains to be seen how these struggles and objections will impact the final outcome of the case.

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