Here are 5 foods that can help you get rid of body odour naturally

Body odour is something that is very common and normal too. Even if you are someone who showers everyday, it is highly possible that there is a hint of body odour by the end of the day. This happens because you go out in the sun, you sweat, there is dirt and most importantly you eat different kinds of food. Yes, you heard it right, some foods can also lead you to have body odour while some can help prevent it………………CONTINUE READING



Foods such as onions or hot peppers can make you sweat more and hence cause body odour but there are also foods that can help you get rid of the body odour and leave you smelling fresh. These foods contain certain chemical components that help in fighting off the body odour.

Eating onions are a big no no if you are dealing with body odour. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Health Shots spoke to nutritionist Avni Kaul, who told us the foods that can help prevent body odour and explained how. She says, “Blame genetics all you want but your diet is also responsible for making your odour smell the way it does. Onion, garlic, and other foods from the allium family are accountable for causing body odour.” However, there are certain foods that curb body odour and here they are:

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Foods that can help fight off body odour

1. Green tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages out there and apart from promoting weight-loss, it can also help in preventing body odour. “Green tea is known for its antioxidant qualities, daily consumption of green tea can counter bad breath, body odour, and stinky feet,” says Kaul. Have a couple of cups of green tea with honey daily and see the difference.

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2. Citrus fruits

Now, eating citrus fruits will always leave you feeling refreshed and there is a reason for that. Kaul explains that citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges reduce the accumulation of toxins in your body thereby curbing the growth of odour-forming bacteria. A glass of lukewarm lemon water or fresh orange juice will also be very refreshing for your system.

Citrus fruits are not only healthy but they also help curb body odour! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Fenugreek (Methi)

Methi dana or fenugreek is something that can be easily found in Indian households, so give them a try to deal with your body odour problems. The nutritionist says that “the seeds and leaves of fenugreek have odour-countering abilities which it does by thwarting the toxins from your body.” Have fenugreek-soaked water or munch on some seeds in the morning.

4. Cardamoms

These small seeds might have ruined your biryani a couple of times but they are in your food for a reason. Kaul explains that adding a dash of cardamoms not just enhances the taste of the food but also adds to the natural fragrance of your body.

Cardamom can help your body smell fragrant!

5. Leafy vegetables

Having plenty of green leafy vegetables is beneficial in a variety of ways. According to the expert, kale and spinach contain high levels of chlorophyll that neutralize odour-causing compounds. Switch to green-rich food and experience the change yourself.

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