According to Healthline, it’s important to recognize the early signs of arthritis as early intervention can help manage the condition and prevent further joint damage. Here are some early signs to note.

Joint Pain: Persistent pain in one or more joints is a common early sign of arthritis. It may be a dull ache or a sharp, shooting pain that worsens with movement or at the end of the day.

Joint Stiffness: Stiffness, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity, can be an early indication of arthritis. The affected joints may feel tender and difficult to move.

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Swelling and Redness: Arthritic joints may become swollen, inflamed, and appear red or warm to the touch. This swelling can make the joints feel tender and sensitive.

Reduced Range of Motion: Arthritis can lead to a decreased range of motion in affected joints. You may find it challenging to fully bend, straighten, or rotate certain joints.

Fatigue and Weakness: Many people with arthritis experience general fatigue, lack of energy, and muscle weakness. This can be a result of the body’s response to chronic pain and inflammation.

Joint Deformities: In some cases, arthritis can cause joint deformities, such as knobby finger joints or toes that drift away from the midline. These deformities often develop over time as the condition progresses.

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