Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), conveyed a message to the public, in a recent video posted on the church’s YouTube page.

The Man of God asserted in the video that, “We desire to dedicate some time to be with orphaned children. Orphans can be classified into different categories, such as half-orphans, who have lost one of their parents. As for those like me who have lost both parents, we are considered full orphans. Additionally, some children may have living parents, but they are estranged or disowned by them. Conversely, parents may also completely abandon their children. Nevertheless, the Bible assures us that, even in such difficult circumstances, God will still provide care and support.”

He continued, I grew up as an orphan, and despite my parents’ love for me, I happened to be their youngest child. However, throughout the first 18 years of my life, I did not have a single pair of shoes. It wasn’t because my parents didn’t want to buy them for me, because, they themselves did not have any shoes, when you looked at their own feet.

See the Full Clip Here

He further said that, There are orphans who have living parents, who genuinely love them, but unfortunately, they are unable to provide much assistance or support. On the other hand, some of us have firsthand experience in this matter, and truly understand what we are talking about.

He continued, According to the divine declaration, if you ever find yourself in such a circumstance, the Almighty God assures that, He will come to your aid. Just as God helped me during my time of need, He will extend His help to you as well.

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CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO (Start the video From 1 hour: 34 min 55 sec) thanks.

He concluded that, Isaiah 41:17 conveys the message that, when the impoverished and needy seek water, and there is none to be found, their thirst causing their tongues to fail, the Lord will attentively listen to their plea. The God of Israel assures that, He will not abandon them.

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