Popular veteran actor and filmmaker, Ejike Asiegbu has taken to his official social media handle to share adorable photos with his beautiful wife, Oge Asiegbu. He wished his fans a happy new month and prayed that as we come to the end of the first half of the year, July will open doors of favour and fulfillment in all we do.

His caption reads, “Happy new month to all my Instagram family. As we come to the end of the first half of the year, may this July open doors of favour and fulfillment in all we do”.

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The couple has been happily married for over 20 years and are blessed with lovely children.

Ejike strikes lovely poses with his beautiful wife. These adorable photos triggered reactions online as fans and celebrities gushed over them. Also, they sent lovely remarks as they admired them.

Top celebrities like Shan George and Ejine Okoroafor sent love emojis.

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