Prophet Odumeje prophesied his death

According to Vanguard, the popular Anambra-based pastor who is aged 40 stated this during a church service.

Popular Nigerian pastor Prophet Odumeje says he will die soon. Photo credit: Mountain of Holy Ghost Intervention Deliverance Ministry Onitsha
Source: Facebook

The cleric fondly called Indaboski reportedly told his congregation that it was time for him to go.

Odumeje said he had a heart-to-heart talk with his first son, David, and informed him that his last days in the world are near……………………………….CONTINUE READING


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He told the boy to prepare to be the man of the house who will take care of his siblings and mother when he (Odumeje) is gone.

The cleric explained that the purpose for which he came to the world has been fulfilled.

“I have called my little son, King David, and I told him that very soon, I, your father will leave. You must take care of your brothers and your mother.

“I came to this world for a purpose, and that purpose has been fulfilled. I have finished my earthly ministry, and I will leave soon,” he said.

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